Thursday, October 21, 2010


I have the sweetest boy in the world for a nephew. He loves butterflies and rainbows and will always tell you your hair and dress are beautiful. A year or so ago, he decided that he loved butterflies so much that when he grew up, he wanted to be a "butterfly doctor." When he asked my sister what this was called, she said he would be an entomologist (more specifically, he ought to be a lepidopterist, but to her credit, I didn't know what even an entomologist was until my three-year-old nephew informed me of his decision to become one). Since then, Dean has wanted to learn everything he can about all kinds of bugs, and I have learned quite a bit in order to teach it to him. But his favorite bugs are still butterflies, so the other day when I found a caterpillar, I took it home in hopes that it would one day become a beautiful butterfly. After he played with it, we put it in his butterfly house, and it soon turned brown then formed a chrysalis (not a cocoon, only moths do that). Hopefully it will survive for the next few weeks (or months, if it's too cold and decides to wait until Spring) so we will have a lovely tiger swallowtail! Don't I just sound like a regular lepidopterist?

(when it turned into a chrysalis, it shed it's head, isn't that just weird?)

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